Vbscript hklm software microsoft windows currentversion uninstall

Registry key path of control panel items for installed programs strkeypath software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\uninstall\ set. Software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\uninstall oreg. Register programs to run by adding entries of the form description string commandline. The following installer properties give the values written under the registry key. Lists installed software using the registry key hklm \ software \ microsoft \ windows \ currentversion \ uninstall. Find itunes product codes automatically or any other. Else startkey1 software\microsoft\windows\ currentversion \uninstall startkey2 software\wow6432node\microsoft\windows\ currentversion \uninstall findappkey hklm, startkey1, searchvalue, matchdata findappkey hklm, startkey2.

Without this the actual registry paths will be transparently redirected to the wow6432node branch for every registry call to hklm\software\microsoft\windows\ currentversion \uninstall. I have a vbscript that eumerates registry keys to find uninstall section and uninstall an msi. The script fails to detect any installed programs under software\microsoft\windows\ currentversion \uninstall on a 32bit machine. You will then have to find the software you are looking for and use the uninstall string. I was able to reproduce the behavior you described when i created a registry value with a spurious trailing space. Looking for simple powershell script to uninstall software. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts.

Find itunes product codes automatically or any other product, by using. Under that, there are guids of software that you see in addremove programs. The data value for a key is a command line no longer than 260 characters. How to uninstall bunch of msi one by one using vbscript. Powershell or vbscript to check if sophos client is installed. Without having access to your server to see how the software youre looking for is installed, i can only guess at how you might modify your script. The values are stored in a subkey identified by the applications product code guid. Hklm\software\microsoft\windows\ currentversion \uninstall\ for example, you may want to look in. Next, the script saves the obfuscated pe file into hkcu. However, there are other places you should probably be looking besides.

Vbscript to uninstall any version of java previously. For more information about these text log files, see setupapi text logs the loglevel registry value is formatted as 0xuuuughvw, where the loworder eight bits, represented by the mask 0x000000vw, specify whether logging is turned on for the application installation log and specify the event level for the application log the next highest eight bits, represented by the mask 0x0000gh00. Vbscript list installed softwares on windows server 2008 r2 stack. Script list installed software this site uses cookies for analytics, personalized content and ads. How to find all windows version serial key microsoft. Uninstall program list in control panel incomplete after.

Finding and uninstalling applications using vbscript. Use powershell to find installed software devblogs microsoft. Vbscript list installed softwares on windows server 2008. Script hardware and software inventory to excel spreadsheet. Add uninstall information to addremove programs nsis. Hklm\software\microsoft\windows\ currentversion \uninstall search for chrome and find the uninstall key. Startkey software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\uninstall.

Create a key with your product name under hklm \ software \ microsoft \ windows \ currentversion \ uninstall to add entries to the add remove programs section in the control panel for windows nt nt42000xp, its also possible to create the key in the hkcu hive, so it will only appear for the current user there are several values you can write to the key to give additional. Hklm\ software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\uninstall\. Hklm \ software \ microsoft \ windows \ currentversion \ uninstall \ for example, you may want to look in. Startkey software\microsoft\windows\ currentversion \uninstall findappkey hklm, startkey, searchvalue, matchdata. How to get only those software list which are in programs and. In this scenario this script will find out the product guid based on. Sometimes uninstall string is not correct or imcomplete. End if end sub regkeyexists hklm,software\microsoft\windows\ currentversion \uninstall\90120000001000000000000ff1ce,displayname select all open in new window bill ehardt. Run and runonce registry keys win32 apps microsoft docs.

Finding and uninstalling applications using vbscript scott is a geek. When i tested this, i was able to read from nonwow6432node paths just fine, even when using a 32bit cscript. Shell strkeypath software\microsoft\windows\ currentversion \uninstall oreg. Uninstall and install itunes upgrade using automatic. Every program that properly installs itself according to microsofts guidelines. Find answers to uninstalling multiple applications via vbscript from the expert. You may want to experiment with using vbscript or powershell, as they have. I have tried running it as user and also system sccm. Essentially this transparent redirection would hide 64bit java runtimes from a script running in 32bit mode on a 64bit os. Loveletter is also an overwriting vbs virus and it spreads using a mirc client as well.

Hklm\software\microsoft\windows\ currentversion \uninstall. Software\ microsoft\windows\currentversion\uninstall oreg. Windows xp x64 youll need to edit the script for this strkeypath software \wow6432node\ microsoft \ windows \ currentversion \ uninstall now will enumerate the uninstall registry key and place the key names in the array arrsubkeys. Solved simple script to install software based off a. Hklm \ software \ microsoft \ windows \ currentversion \ uninstall.

Use powershell to find installed software scripting blog. Get uninstall keys for any software in windows using. Uninstalling multiple applications via vbscript solutions. Run and runonce registry keys cause programs to run each time that a user logs on. After that the trojan tries to find and delete the following keys. Setting the event level for a text log windows drivers. However, it does not simply add the information from each subkey to its list of programs. It has strict criteria on which of these subkeys should just be ignored, which should be added to the list, and which should be looked up elsewhere in. Hklm\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\run. Uninstall an application using guid from registry broadcom.

The getitemproperty cmdlet is a great tool because its designed to work with data that is exposed by any provider. Vbscript it working correctly but does not wait for the uninstall command to finish. Vbscript to check if microsoft office 2007 is installed. Vbsedit is a great vbscript editor and it includes all these. But, this does not seem to work on a 32bit machine. Software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\run and delete the.